Tuesday, October 12, 2010


As I told you in my first post, i've created this blog because its part of my assignment project for Computer Science subject. Before this, we learnt about how to use Microsoft Power Point. At first, it sounds weird. Because, you know PowerPoint is general. Everyone knew how to use it. But not for me. I am quite dumb in IT, computer and technologies. So, I learnt a lot during the practicals. Now, I know how to use hyperlink, insert boxes, shapes, word text and many. After that, we had to do an assignment by using MS PowerPoint about either 'netiquette', 'cloud computing' or 'push mail and pull mail'. I chose cloud computing. Here are my works.

So, how was it? Haha! To me its perfect. But if I compare mine with my friends, their's were like way too perfect than mine. Mine are just simple. No background and dull. My friend's are creative, full with colours and animation. Anyway, I can do better next time right? :) Guess how my lecturer rate me with this kind of work? 21 over 25. Well I guessed, I deserved that marks.


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Hey freakos, thanks for stopping by :)