Thursday, April 7, 2011


World has come to an end, hasn't it?
I'm afraid that I don't have the chance to repent and do lots and lots of amalan.
I'm afraid that I don't have a chance to graduate and become a dental surgeon.
Im afraid that I don't have a chance to further studies.
I'm afraid that I don't have the chance to repay my parent's good deeds.
I'm afraid that I don't have the chance to spend the rest of my life with 'the one'.
But, don't you realize that world has become scarier and scarier, day by day?


People who rich with their wealthiness, doesn't mean that they're literally happy,
and for the people who are poor with pauperism, not necessarily meant to be literally suffer.

Rich people also might be suffered with something-something although they're rich.
Something-something refers to chronic diseases, unhappy family.
Poor people also might be not suffered from something-something although they don't have any 'treasures'.
Something-something refers to happy family always be with each other during hard times.

PS: Ignore this post if you don't understand. And don't even bother to understand if you're not.

1 comment:

  1. hey!

    yeah i'm feeling the same. there's so much things to be worried about. feeling kinda complicated here. so many things to be voiced out, yet speechless at times. i don't know naniey =/
    so much worries :(


Hey freakos, thanks for stopping by :)