I grew up. I became mature now. Thus, I start my everyday life with a new resolution. I don't wait till new year to make new resolutions. Everyday is the same. Nothing new. Wait, what, fireworks? Yeah, every new year will have fireworks. Nothing special, I guessed?
Oh in Malaysia, 2012 will be a bit different. Because the money notes will be changed. Of course not just that, the government probably will do lots of changed as well. And I don't really care about politics.
So last year, wait.....I mean, in 2011, there's one resolution that I made. And I think, that one is achieved succesfully. Well, the resolution was lame anyway. I hoped that I will be single and I will not work during semester break in 2011. And I done that. I am still single by now. Brava to me! ;D
2012, please be as awesome as 2011. I hope it will even be awesome-er. Me and my friends and my sis will go to Foster The People concert this January yaay! And I signed up my name in Asean Pacific Dental Students Association (APDSA 2012), which will be held at Cairns, Australia. Awesome much? Haha. I'll be using my scholarship money wholly for this Aussie thaang. So people, don't ask me out ;(
Oh wait, 2012 I'll be in second semester in second year as a dental student. That means, there are two big exams to face. I have to study harddd. Then, i'll be entering third year. Which means, when i'm in third year, no fifth year seniors anymore. They will be graduating. Congratulations in advance and wehh my inspiration will leave me :(